Thursday, October 18, 2007

Apostrophe Catastrophe

Okay, I don't know what hit the fan recently, but it seems we have had a sudden epidemic of people thinking one uses an apostrophe to pluralize something. For example: "Shopper's serve as the eyes and ears for those clients as part of their efforts to enhance the quality of the customer's experience." Ack. This bugs the foo out of me. It's bad enough with its and it's. Or maybe I'm confused - maybe the country has just been feeling really possessive recently. And Lord help us if we need a plural possessive - what then, quote marks? 'Worker's"~_* Compensation'?

Feeling grammatically isolated today.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Partial Victory

So, Courtney and Ben did not win the Starbucks Music Makers competition... but they DID win the online vote! So thanks everyone for your help! As I pointed out to Courtney, while a free trip to Hawai'i would have been awesome, the popularity they can demonstrate with this accomplishment should be very appealing to record labels and other biz folks. Congrats to KaiserCartel!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Vote for Courtney!!!

Notice the cool "widget" I added to this page - with this, you can vote for Kaiser Cartel in the Starbucks Music Makers Competition and help my sister-in-law win!!! You have to enable pop-ups to get the verification screen. We only have until 10/11/07 so please vote now!
