Monday, May 19, 2008

Jailbird Sprung

Pat has requested a correction: She did not have the mushroom burger from Steak N Shake, she simply had a "steakburger."  I would hasten to point out as well that she in no way compelled me to have Steak N Shake for dinner - I could perfectly well have cooked something more palatable for myself.  In the future I shall.

More importantly, however, Gary is home!  Still no pathology report.  Grrr.  We don't know why precisely, just the doctor says he wants to deliver it in person.  Having the vivid imagination that I do, I don't imagine that can be a good thing.  I mean, "it's all gone, you're fine" is okay to say over the phone, right?  But that doesn't mean it's the other end of the spectrum of course.  Currently they are threatening to make Gary wait until Wednesday or Thursday to meet with the doctor, and I can't say I'm very impressed.  How can they possibly be thinking about the whole patient if they don't see what it does to a person to know they have cancer and have to wait an indefinite and seemingly infinitely increasing amount of time to find out their prognosis?  Grrr.  We are seriously considering showing up at this guy's office tomorrow morning and camping out until he sees us.

Meanwhile, Gary's been sent home on a "low-fiber" diet.  This is totally counter-intuitive for everything we understand is good for your colon.  I'm not going to describe it here, for fear it be mistaken as a recommendation, but I will say that Gary seemed shocked and appalled when he saw the white bread emerge from the grocery bag.

Colon cancer fighting tip of the day: Fiber!  This does not mean you have to eat sawdust cereal for breakfast.  Just eat plants.  The less processed the better.  Like, eat an apple.  With the skin.  Grapes, bananas, etc.  Pears have a remarkable amount of fiber in them.  And of course we have our veggie family.  A good trick (which I learned from Gary!) is to get a lot of fresh veggies for noshing at the grocery store, and right when you get home wash them and cut them up and put them in the fridge (put them in a tupperware like thing with a bit of cold water to keep them moist).  Then when you are snacky you can reach for something healthy instead of processed foodlike product.  Also, if you are like me and actually prefer whole fiber breads, be careful to read the ingredients - a remarkable number of these products are actually white bread with molasses in them or the whole wheat flour comes after the high fructose corn syrup (ew).  And for those who have been scarred by the recent "no carb" fads, I will point out that if you eat the skins, a potato is actually quite a remarkable food.  And yams and sweet potatoes even more so.  If this whole paragraph has you sneering at me for being a hippie freak, allow me to remind you that (a) very few hippie freaks work in finance, and (b) my colon can beat up your colon.

The weather turned more dramatic today, grey and windy with some rain on and off, not heavy but enough to make me not want to let the dog take me for another walk.

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